The Graduate (1967) is a film about a disillusioned college graduate who finds himself torn between his older lover and her daughter. A well-loved film, well worth seeing again! Director: Mike […]
Movie Night
Supper And Talk With Tom O’Reilly
On Wednesday, 3rd February, Tom O’ Reilly will host a very special talk entitled ‘Concepts of Beauty’ in your Club. This event will begin at 7pm, hosted by Tom O’ […]
Movie Night & Supper – Master and Commander
Movie Night & Supper at the George. Shane O’ Loughlin presents, “Master and Commander” In 1805, aboard the H.M.S. Surprise, the brash Captain Jack Aubrey (Russell Crowe) and his trusted […]
Le Gamin Av Velo
In May, Dr. Michael McKillen presented, “Le Gamin Av Velo”. Here his notes and review of the film are available for your perusal. Review Please click the above link to […]