RSGYC Youths at the 1720 Europeans

1720 Youths

One of three boats representing the Royal St George at the 1720 Europeans this weekend.

Our Club boat, Wolfe prepares for hoist rounding the top mark. Crewed by youth sailors from the Club Dan O’Beirne (Helm), Darragh O’Sullivan (Mainsheet Trimmer & honorary Member for the weekend!), Stephen Craig (Jib & Kite Trimmer), Richard O’Rahilly (Pit Crew), Jack Higgins (Pit Crew) and Sam Web (Bowman).

Also racing is Clare Hogan and crew aboard another Club boat, ‘What did you break’ who showed a strong performance on Day1’s racing with two top 10’s.

Finally, Ben Cooke and crew aboard his own boat Smile ‘n Wave scored a 1st and 3rd on Day1 to put them in 4th.

Racing continues today with BBQ in RSGYC this evening and concluding tomorrow incorporating the NYC Regatta.

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