Junior Sailing Courses updates 15th July

We have had some great news from Irish Sailing that we are be able to return to a much more ‘traditional’ type of course and open up to many more sailors.  Social distancing, sanitising and closure of much of the club will be something we will have to live with for a while yet.  We will  continue to ask sailors to come down ready to sail, as we will not have access to showering facilities, for the moment.   None the less, we are in a position to offer a full range of sailing courses for memebrs children from the ages of 8 years of age and also for Courses E and F grandparents can register their grandchild/ children onto a course.

We have adapted how we run our courses, with a combination of staggered start and finish times for each course so as to reduce the number of sailors on the deck at any one time. Sailors must arrive to the Club gates changed and ready to go to sea where they will be met by their instructor who will take them to the deck and continue with all social distancing recomendations. There are no changing rooms or shower facilities available, toilets are of course open. Sailors will sail as part of a ‘pod’ as per Irish Sailing guidelines (see https://www.sailing.ie/Coronavirus) and will keep with their pod for the duration of their course, all the time limiting interaction with other pods and instructors. There is a strict and regular sanitisation schedule for all equipment and sailors, and social distancing is strictly enforced. All in all, we are wroking hard to ensure that all Irish Sailing Guidelines are adhered to and the safety of everyone at the RSGYC is paramount. 

So, what is on offer for the coming weeks? 

Course Dates & Modules Offered

Course E will run from July 20th – 31st and will include: Start sailing, Basic skills, Improving skills, ABH and Adventure Group, 1720 Clinic, Team Racing Clinics and Sea Tigers (8 years of age and above, no prior experience required). 

Course F will run from August 4th – 14th and will include: Start sailing, Basic skills, Improving skills, ABH and Start racing, 1720 Clinic, Team Racing Clinics and Sea Tigers (8 years of age and above, no prior experience required). 

As of July 6th we are have been sailing in pods – this means we can run double handed sailing,  1720 clinics and team racing clinics.  The pod idea means we will have continuity of sailor pairings and instructors, there will be no swapping in and out of boats as has been the case in years gone by.  It will be more like normal but definitely a new normal!! Please take a moment to review the detailed information on the page linked below which should answer your questions and guide you on which course to consider. 


For more information and to register please click here where you will have the choice to register for the standard course offerings, or using a seperate booking form the Sea Squirts & Tigers and 1720/ Team Racing Clinics. 

Questions? Please email Richard at juniorsailing@rsgyc.ie and cc: Sailing@rsgyc.ie and we will endevour to answer them.

Thanks again, keep up the good work, stay safe and see you soon!

Kate Fogarty 

RSGYC Junior Organiser

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